
Elizabeth Larson


Elizabeth Larson and her husband, John Jensen, founded Lake County News, which went live on Dec. 19, 2006. Larson has nearly 15 years of experience in publishing, from books and magazines to newspapers and now the Internet. She comes from a farming and ranching background, and was raised on a dairy farm in the Sacramento Valley. Larson received her a bachelor's degree in history from the University of Montana, Missoula, and received a master's of philosophy degree in classics from the University of Cambridge in England. She lives in Lucerne, Calif., with her husband, two cats and dog.


<p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Hartmann Road – an entry point into the Hidden Valley Lake gated community – intersects with a wide, sweeping curve of Highway 29. In appearance, it's an unremarkable stretch of roadway. But the statistics showed that something had to be done.</p>

<p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">The automobile is a fixture of American life, and in rural areas like Lake County’s it’s critical to getting to and from school, work and other commitments. But for drivers in Lake County, the roadways can be dangerous places.</p>

<p>In Lake County, Calif., the top health risk factors are underage drinking, accidental death and smoking. But why those and not others, like obesity or heart disease?</p><p>&nbsp;</p>