Curation to the Next Level: A New Tumblr for Reporting on Health Readers

Published on
October 31, 2011

Center for Health Journalism Digital recently started a new Tumblr for health news junkies (and those who aspire to be health news junkies but don't have all day to surf the net). While we have been curating health news for more than two years in the Daily Briefing, creating a Tumblr has given us a chance to curate in real-time, highlight members' work and offer up ideas you can share easily.

Center for Health Journalism Digital TumblrFor those of you unfamiliar with Tumblr, think of it as a cross between Twitter and blogging. It's a way to share links and short (or long, if you so desire) ideas about things you're seeing and reading on the Internet. You can visit Tumblrs like any other blog and subscribe with RSS, but you can also submit your own links and repost entries to your own Tumblrs.

We're drawing inspiration from other Tumblrs we love, including these health news Tumblrs that are worth following:

Health Bites/Emily MullinBaltimore Business Journal health reporter Emily Mullin curates a great selection of public health-oriented news at Health Bites.

More a full-fledged blog than a link-sharing Tumblr, ProPublica senior reporter Charles Ornstein's Healthy Buzz provides great perspectives on health care in the news.

Likely Healthy curates images and promotional material used to educate people about their health in this colorful and fun-to-scan Tumblr. The author is anonymous but identifies him or herself as a public health graduate student.'s Tumblr curates California health news from a variety of sources; they draw from the bigger media houses New America Media, the Los Angeles Times and KPCC, but also from eclectic individuals. Every now and then, they'll even throw in their own little news bites. California Watch's more general Tumblr makes a good companion read.

It's not always about health, but it's always intriguing: DiscoveryNews' oft-updated Tumblr offers items that show how interesting the science world can be.

Do you have your own Tumblr or ones you love to read? Share in comments.