
Our fellows and grantees produce ambitious, deeply reported stories in partnership with the Center for Health Journalism on a host of timely health, social welfare and equity topics. In addition, the center publishes original reporting and commentary from a host of notable contributors, focused on the intersection of health and journalism. Browse our story archive, or go deeper on a given topic or keyword by using the menus below.

<p>My four-part series, a project of the&nbsp;<a href="/fellowships/seminars/national-health-journalism">2008 National Health Journalism Fellowship</a>, won first place for minority issue reporting in the state's Society of Professional Journalists contest. It examined the cultural factors which prevent Navajos from receiving cancer treatment through western medicine and the "patient navigators" who are trying to bridge the divide.</p>

<p>These stories originally appeared as a two-part series:</p> <p>Part 1: <a href="Pakistani doctor finds lots of loyal patients, friends in Laudon">"Feels Like Home: Pakistani doctor finds lots of loyal patients, friendly in Loudon"</a></p> <p>Part 2: <a href="#Foreign-born physicians one treatment for rural counties' doctor shortages">"Prescription from Abroad: Foreign-born physicians one treatment for rural counties' doctor shortages."</a></p>

<p>Anne Geggis addresses local community efforts to cut infant death rates in her fellowship project.</p>

<p>Monica Navarro, reporter &amp; producer for Univision, Channel 41 in San Antonio, Texas, completed her fellowship project which is a four part series on children suffering from obesity and diabetes &amp; the mental, economic and medical impacts it has on the Latino community.</p>