Health Insurance and Costs

Proposition 46, the California ballot measure backed by plaintiffs’ attorneys and opposed by physicians, was soundly defeated by a 2-to-1 margin. The fact that Proposition 46 was a bundle trying to be all things to all patient safety advocates was probably its downfall.

Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform

California mirrors the country's rising rate of C-section births — up by 50 percent in 10 years. That worries experts, who say the procedure carries added costs and risks. But data-driven efforts are underway in the state to turn the tide, with some notable early success.

Health Insurance and Costs

After a resounding defeat Tuesday, backers of Prop. 45 vow to press on with efforts to give California's insurance commissioner greater regulatory authority over insurance rates. Meanwhile, one prominent health policy expert said the failed measure was "a huge threat to health reform in the state."

Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform

Last fall, we had no idea how the Obamacare rollout was going to go. So Politico's Jennifer Haberkorn hit the road, and found very different experiences between states. She shares some of the lessons learned along the way, and how she found enrollees willing to tell their stories.

Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Health Insurance and Costs

For many of the patients who are known as "super-utilizers" of the health care system, the issue of simply getting to treatment is critical and sometimes more problematic than getting the treatment itself. The picture is often complicated by the disabilities and haphazard lives of these patients.

Health Insurance and Costs

In Texas, a lot of things really are larger than life – especially the drama in politics. I saw it first-hand while reporting last legislative session on the rhetoric around the Affordable Care Act and the rollout of the federal health insurance marketplace. Even seems fitting that HBO has chosen Te

Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform

When Covered California reports its health insurance enrollment figures each month, one worrying statistic consistently jumps out –- the low number of Latinos signing up. This became the top news story out of the exchange in January, overshadowing the overall positive numbers.

Health Insurance and Costs, Immigrant and Migrant Health

The U.S. locks up more individuals per capita than any other country in the world. We have 2.2 million people behind bars – up 500% from 30 years ago. This situation raises important questions for policy makers, and it’s a rich area for journalistic exploration.

Chronic Disease, Health Insurance and Costs, Environmental Health

Duane Middleton died shortly after a routine colonoscopy. Then his life insurance provider denied his wife any benefits, a decision later held up in court. So how could three judges conclude that Middleton's death didn't qualify as an "accident"?

Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Health Insurance and Costs, Patient Safety and Ethics, Aging

Duane Middleton's colon was torn during a colonoscopy, and he died shortly after. His death was ruled an accident. But when Middleton's wife sought benefits from his insurance policy, she was told his death didn't meet the policy's definition of an accident.

Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Health Insurance and Costs, Patient Safety and Ethics, Aging